Policy In Respect of Planning Applications
It is the role of Community Councils to consult the wider community on planning issues which affect them to the extent to which it is feasible within the resources of the Community Council. As such, North Queensferry Community Council has adopted the following policy with regards to planning applications:
1. Where NQCC is a statutory consultee, i.e. where the development could affect the amenity in the area of the Community Council, we will be consulted directly by Fife Council. NQCC will always provide an Object, Support or Neutral written response based on feedback and discussion. (Where we are not deemed to be a statutory consultee, we can request formal consultation within 7 working days of the issuing date of the weekly list.)
2. Where NQCC receives notification from the weekly planning list, we will not normally provide a written response, unless the application is of strategic importance or would affect the amenity of a significant proportion of the community. In which case, NQCC will consider an Object, Support or Neutral written response based on feedback and discussion.
3. Where NQCC is petitioned by an individual Applicant, Supporter or Objector, we will normally provide an Object, Support or Neutral written response based on feedback and discussion.
North Queensferry Community Council will consider all applications brought to its attention and will only make comment based on material planning considerations, such as:
• Public Amenity (for example noise, loss of privacy)
• Design (for example height of buildings, density of development, suitability of materials)
• Environmental impact (for example loss of trees or public space, flooding)
• National or Local Policy (for example proposals contrary to the Development Plan)
• Road safety (for example inadequate parking provision or lack of a footpath)
They will not be based on extraneous considerations such as:
• Personal Interest (impact on property values, loss of view, I don’t like it)
• Perceived Legal Matters (land ownership, commercial interest, rights of way)
• Non-planning Issues (building control, licensing or personal circumstances of applicant)